
Archana Masih

Archana Masih frequently contributes military features to You can read some of her features in the related links alongside. You can e-mail the author at

All stories by ARCHANA MASIH

'BJP is prepared to take strong decisions'

'BJP is prepared to take strong decisions'

Rediff.com26 Sep 2022

'In AAP, those who are in charge of a particular state provide information to Arvind Kejriwal. 'In the BJP, several organisations convey what is happening on the ground to the top leadership.' 'There are so many channels through which issues are being understood.'

'Be extremely cautious of Xi Jinping'

'Be extremely cautious of Xi Jinping'

Rediff.com16 Sep 2022

'We should not allow ourselves to be surprised in any manner in future on the border.'

'Ladakh Disengagement No Win Situation For India And China'

'Ladakh Disengagement No Win Situation For India And China'

Rediff.com16 Sep 2022

'The Chinese are retaining geostrategic pressure on India by keeping troops there and building infrastructure continually.'

'Gorbachev was an idealist; Putin is a realist'

'Gorbachev was an idealist; Putin is a realist'

Rediff.com12 Sep 2022

'There is only one common feature between Gorbachev and Putin.' 'They are both patriots, and both try to save Russia and make it great.' 'But in very, very, different ways.'

'Gorbachev let the Soviet empire die'

'Gorbachev let the Soviet empire die'

Rediff.com12 Sep 2022

'It would be a huge mistake to think that Gorbachev's reforms did not achieve anything.' 'We all live in the world, which is in many respects a result of Glasnost and Perestroika.'

Surprise That Charles Became Charles III

Surprise That Charles Became Charles III

Rediff.com9 Sep 2022

The unfortunate associations with the name Charles for an English king -- one who was executed; the other with a very unsavoury reputation -- led royal observers to assume that Charles would not take his Christian name when he became king.

A Father's Long Wait For His Son's Shaurya Chakra

A Father's Long Wait For His Son's Shaurya Chakra

Rediff.com8 Sep 2022

The medal was parcelled to his home. He sent it back. 'It should be conferred at the ceremonial function at Rashtrapati Bhavan.'

'BJP believes it will rule for 25-30 years'

'BJP believes it will rule for 25-30 years'

Rediff.com1 Sep 2022

'BJP and Modi are confident they will win the 2024 election.'

'BJP's wish of being the only party not possible'

'BJP's wish of being the only party not possible'

Rediff.com30 Aug 2022

'A one-party State is not possible in a diverse country like India.'

'China is a backstabber'

'China is a backstabber'

Rediff.com29 Aug 2022

'Is China's intention not clear?' 'Do we still think that if we are nice to China, it will be good to us?'

In These Homes, It Is Har Din Tiranga

In These Homes, It Is Har Din Tiranga

Rediff.com24 Aug 2022

On a mission to visit the families of soldiers who have died in action, Vikas Manhas has met over 1,000 families whose loved ones made the supreme sacrifice for the country.

'Taiwan has always been a target of intimidation by China'

'Taiwan has always been a target of intimidation by China'

Rediff.com5 Aug 2022

'If the situation deteriorates and there is further escalation, the USA is in preparedness.'

School's Final Goodbye To Warrior Student

School's Final Goodbye To Warrior Student

Rediff.com3 Aug 2022

Flight Lieutenant Adivitiya Bal was killed in the line of duty along with Wing Commander Mohit Rana in last week's MiG-21 crash in Barmer. His school in Nagrota, Jammu, gave a final salute to a worthy ex-student.

The Pillar That Inspires India

The Pillar That Inspires India

Rediff.com1 Aug 2022

The Ashokan Pillar in Kolhua, Bihar, is one of India's best maintained historical sites.

A Son's Pilgrimage For A Warrior Father

A Son's Pilgrimage For A Warrior Father

Rediff.com28 Jul 2022

Hriiyio was only 6 months old when his father, a soldier in the 1 Naga Battalion met a warrior's death in Drass.

The Soldier Who Became An Icon

The Soldier Who Became An Icon

Rediff.com26 Jul 2022

'...Cliffy with utter disregard to his personal safety, charged through the fire zone, closed in on the enemy, threw hand grenades inside their bunkers and killed six enemy soldiers!' '...He was hit by a volley of bullets. Even before breathing his last, Cliffy killed a Pakistani soldier in hand-to-hand combat...' Captain Keishing Clifford Nongrum, who was just 24, received the Mahavir Chakra posthumously for his superhuman act of valour in the Kargil War just 18 months after he joined the Indian Army. Archana Masih/ remembers one of India's Bravest Of The Brave as the nation salutes the 527 soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice for the Motherland on Vijay Diwas.

'We don't believe in Wickremesinghe'

'We don't believe in Wickremesinghe'

Rediff.com22 Jul 2022

'If Ranil Wickremesinghe starts repressing and suppressing the protesters who represent the people, that will pose a danger for him to continue in office.'

'Ranil's views are same as Rajapaksas'

'Ranil's views are same as Rajapaksas'

Rediff.com21 Jul 2022

'While parliament has elected him, the people are demanding that he goes home.'

'The evil has not left our system yet'

'The evil has not left our system yet'

Rediff.com20 Jul 2022

'We don't have a plan for the crisis at all. The uncertainty will continue.'

'People in power are fearful of the protestors'

'People in power are fearful of the protestors'

Rediff.com18 Jul 2022

'No one in Sri Lanka could afford to stay at home, everyone came onto the street.'

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